Learning objectives

  • Get lots of hands-on practice with data.table.

  • You should pay very careful attention to learn about:

    • data.table chaining
    • Adding columns using :=
    • Selecting rows with i, operating on columns with j, and grouping with by using data.table syntax [i, j, by]

Work through these practice exercises

  • It’s a good idea to work through these on your own, but if you get very stuck, solutions can be found here

  • Use the following code chunk to initialise your code.

# load data.table library

# clean session

# Please include the following line of code as well

# create vectors from which to build d
V1 <- rep(month.abb[1:8], each=2)
V2 <- rep(letters[1:8], 2)
V3 <- rnorm(length(V1))

# create a data.table named d
d <- data.table(month=V1, event=V2, obs=V3)

Recall from lecture and tutorial that when working with data.frame objects, columns can be accessed using the $ operator. You may also have pushed forward on your own and found various tutorials outlining how to use dplyr and other tools in the tidyverse to select rows, perform operations on columns, and group operations by other variables. This will have lead you to lines of code using the %>% operator among others. dplyr and the tidyverse is awesome, but it isn’t what we are using in this unit. Unless explicitly instructed otherwise, please use data.table syntax (i.e., DT[i, j, by]) to answer all questions below.

1. Select rows

a. Use the data.table keyword .N to report how many rows are in d and store the result in a variable named ans_1a.

b. Return a data.table containing only the rows of d for which month=="Jan" and store the result in a variable named ans_1b.

c. Return a data.table containing only the rows of d for which month=="Feb" or event==c and store the result in a variable named ans_1c.

d. Return a data.table containing only the rows of d for which month=="Feb" and event=="c" and store the result in a variable named ans_1d.

e. Using the %in% operator, return a data.table containing only the rows of d for which month is in the vector c("Jan", "Mar", "May", "Jul"), and store the result in a variable named ans_1e.

2. Select and operate on columns

a. Return a vector containing the month column of d and store the result in a variable named ans_2a.

b. Return a data.table containing only the month column of d and store the result in a variable named ans_2b.

c. Return a data.table containing only the month and event columns of d and store the result in a variable named ans_2c.

d. Using only one line of code, return a data.table containing only the month and event columns of d, but renamed to MONTH and EVENT, and store the result in a variable named ans_2d.

e. Return the mean obs across all rows in d and store your result in a variable named ans_2e.

f. Return the mean and standard deviation of the obs column across all rows in d and store the result in a data.table named ans_2f. The resulting data.table should have 1 observation with columns named obs_mean and obs_sd.

3. Group by

a. Return the mean obs grouped by event and return the result in a data.table named ans_3a. Name the column of ans_3a that contains the mean of the obs column obs_mean.

b. Return the mean obs grouped by event and grouped by month and return the result in a data.table named ans_3b. Name the column of ans_3b that contains the mean of the obs column obs_mean.

4. [i, j, by]

a. Select the first 8 rows of d and compute the median value of the obs column grouped by month and event and return the result in a data.table named ans_4a. Name the column of ans_4a that contains the median of the obs column obs_median.

5. Add / remove columns, copy, etc.

a. Create a variable named d5a using d5a = data.table(d). Create a deep copy of d5a named d5a_copy and use the := operator to add a column of zeros to d5a_copy. Name the column of zeros new_zeros. Store the resulting data.table in a variable named ans_5a. Be very careful that the code you write and execute here does not modify d5a or you will be marked incorrect.

b. Create a variable named d5b using d5b = data.table(d). Create a deep copy of d5b named d5b_copy and use the := operator to remove the obs column from d5b_copy. Store the resulting data.table in a variable named ans_5b. Be very careful that the code you write and execute here does not modify d5b or you will be marked incorrect.

c. Consider the following methods of computing the mean value of the obs column in d5c – see below – grouped by month.

d5c <- data.table(d)

# option 1
d5c_2 <- d5c[, .(obs_mean = mean(obs)), .(month)]

# option 2
d5c[, obs_mean := mean(obs), .(month)]

# option 3
d5c <- d5c[, obs_mean := mean(obs), .(month)]

Which option is the least efficient method of using data.table ? Please store your answer as one of the following:

  • ans_5c <- 'option 1'
  • ans_5c <- 'option 2'
  • ans_5c <- 'option 3'

d. Consider the following code chunk.

V1 <- c(1, 2, 3)
V2 <- c('a', 'b', 'c')
dd <- data.table(V1, V2)

# option 1
dd2 <- dd
dd2[, V3 := c(T, T, F)]

# option 2
dd2 <- data.table(dd)
dd2[, V3 := c(T, T, F)]

# option 3
dd2  = copy(dd)
dd2[, V3 := c(T, T, F)]

Which option modifies dd? Please store your answer as one of the following:

  • ans_5d <- 'option 1'
  • ans_5d <- 'option 2'
  • ans_5d <- 'option 3'

6. Getting data into a data.table

s2 <- "ind2         obs
        Apr -0.15579551
        Apr -1.47075238
        May -0.47815006
        May  0.41794156
        Jun  1.35867955
        Jun -0.10278773
        Jul  0.38767161
        Jul -0.05380504
        Aug -1.37705956"
  • Convert s2 into a data.table named DT.

7. Wide vs long format

  • Is the following data.table in wide or long format?
##       run   rat  maze_time
##     <int> <int>      <num>
##  1:     1     1  88.417468
##  2:     1     2  18.503129
##  3:     1     3 124.226348
##  4:     1     4 -42.509839
##  5:     1     5 136.594112
##  6:     2     1 124.841265
##  7:     2     2 106.528818
##  8:     2     3 101.915639
##  9:     2     4 125.733838
## 10:     2     5  35.098992
## 11:     3     1  88.083124
## 12:     3     2 166.413570
## 13:     3     3 210.096910
## 14:     3     4 114.377148
## 15:     3     5  88.224640
## 16:     4     1   8.793163
## 17:     4     2 -43.758624
## 18:     4     3  20.291047
## 19:     4     4 225.408311
## 20:     4     5 177.214219
## 21:     5     1  78.048437
## 22:     5     2  57.518972
## 23:     5     3  58.101990
## 24:     5     4 199.698686
## 25:     5     5  72.422197
##       run   rat  maze_time
  • Is the following data.table in wide or long format?
##    maze_time_rat_1 maze_time_rat_2 maze_time_rat_3 maze_time_rat_4 maze_time_rat_5   run
##              <num>           <num>           <num>           <num>           <num> <int>
## 1:       223.83041       16.795670       183.20471        20.46609     -122.390027     1
## 2:        72.06537      -16.657055        77.26713        94.51225      -26.361438     2
## 3:       275.79031       -6.559058       126.61374       125.01413      135.872890     3
## 4:       156.07461      -56.378205        62.32973       161.82433       98.895452     4
## 5:        54.72160      215.653700       344.13646        82.73765        5.935084     5
  • What function from the data.table library would you use to convert from wide to long?

  • What function from the data.table library would you use to convert from long to wide?

8. Real world example

Consider an experiment designed to find out whether or not feedback-delay impairs criterion learning? What is criterion learning? Here is an example trial:


In this case, thin bars belong to category A, and thick bars belong to category B. But where exactly is the category boundary (i.e., criterion) that separates thick from thin? Criterion learning is the process that allows our brains to figure this out. Next, you will perform a cursory analysis on the data from this experiment.

a. Use the fread function in the data.table library to read https://crossley.github.io/book_stats/data/criterion_learning/crit_learn.csv into a data.table and store the result in a variable named ans_6a.

The resulting data.table contains the following columns:

  • t: Trial number across the entire experiment.

  • t_prob: Trial number per problem.

  • sub: Subject identifier (i.e., different numbers correspond to different subjects).

  • cnd: Condition identifier.

  • prob_num: Problem number (gets increased by 1 every time a participant solves a problem).

  • t2c: Trials to criterion (i.e., the number of trials it took a participant to solve a particular problem.)

  • nps: Number of problems solved. This is the same as max(prob_num)

b. Select only rows for which cnd=="Delay" or for which cnd=="Long ITI" and store the result in a new data.table named ans_8b.

c. From ans_8b select only the columns cnd, sub and t2c columns and store the result in a new data.table named ans_8c.

d. Do not work on this problem until you have finished earlier parts of the homework. When you have, start a timer on a stop watch and then immediately work on the rest of this problem.

Create a new data.table that contains the mean values of the t2c column grouped by cnd and sub. Name the column of mean values t2c_mean. Make sure that your resulting data.table has only cnd, sub and t2c_mean columns and nothing more (no columns named V1 etc). Also make sure that your resulting data.table only has one observation per sub. Failure to do so will lead to this question being marked incorrect. Store the result in a variable named ans_8d.

Stop the timer you started at the beginning of this problem, and write down how long it took you to complete.

e. Do not work on this problem until you have finished earlier parts of the worksheet. When you have, start a timer on a stop watch and then immediately work on the rest of this problem.

Download the .csv file at https://crossley.github.io/cogs2020/data/criterion_learning/crit_learn.csv and open it in Excel or any of your favourite spreadsheet programs. Using this spreadsheet program, perform all of the operations that lead to ans_8d.

Stop the timer you started at the beginning of this problem, and write down how long it took you to complete.

I’m sure you see where I’m going with this. For many of us, R and data.table will be the clear winners. Even if it took longer, it will be clear that – once your skill develops – it will be quicker and certainly more flexible and powerful in other ways.

On the other hand, you might be a super spreadsheet master like these people: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37314049/how-to-calculate-the-means-of-100s-of-subgroups-in-excel If so, more power to you, but you will nevertheless need to learn R in this unit. :)