Introduction to Chaining

  • Chaining allows for executing multiple data manipulation operations in a single expression.

  • It makes code more readable and concise.

  • Achieved using the %>% operator in other packages, but data.table uses its syntax.

Example data.table

DT <- data.table(ID = 1:5,
                 Name = c("Alice", "Bob", "Charlie", "David", "Eva"), 
                 Score = c(85, 92, 88, 94, 90))

Basic Chaining

  • Perform operations sequentially without intermediate assignments.
  • Syntax: DT[<row ops>][, <col ops>, by=<group ops>][<result ops>]
DT[order(-Score)][1:3][, .(TopScore = max(Score))]
##    TopScore
##       <num>
## 1:       94

Filtering and Selecting

  • Filter rows and select specific columns in a single chain.
DT[Score >= 90, .(Name, Score)][order(-Score)]
##      Name Score
##    <char> <num>
## 1:  David    94
## 2:    Bob    92
## 3:    Eva    90

Adding Columns

  • Add new columns while chaining.
   .(MeanScore = mean(Score))][, 
   c("AdjustedScore") := .(MeanScore * 1.05)]

Grouped Operations

  • Group by a column and perform operations on groups in one chain.
DT[, .(AverageScore = mean(Score)), by = Name][order(-AverageScore)]
##       Name AverageScore
##     <char>        <num>
## 1:   David           94
## 2:     Bob           92
## 3:     Eva           90
## 4: Charlie           88
## 5:   Alice           85

Chaining with Joins

  • Use chaining to join data.tables and further manipulate the result.
DT1 <- data.table(ID = 1:3, Dept = c("HR", "IT", "Finance"))
DT2 <- DT[1:3, .(ID, Name)]

DT1[DT2, on = "ID"][, .(ID, Name, Dept)]
##       ID    Name    Dept
##    <int>  <char>  <char>
## 1:     1   Alice      HR
## 2:     2     Bob      IT
## 3:     3 Charlie Finance

Modifying by Reference

  • Modify the original data.table within a chain by using := in the j expression.
DT[, NewColumn := Score * 1.1][]
##       ID    Name Score NewColumn
##    <int>  <char> <num>     <num>
## 1:     1   Alice    85      93.5
## 2:     2     Bob    92     101.2
## 3:     3 Charlie    88      96.8
## 4:     4   David    94     103.4
## 5:     5     Eva    90      99.0

Practical Example

  • A real-world example combining filtering, grouping, and adding columns.
DT[Score > 85][,
               .(MeanScore = mean(Score)), 
               by = Name][, 
               Grade := ifelse(MeanScore > 90, "A", "B")][]
##       Name MeanScore  Grade
##     <char>     <num> <char>
## 1:     Bob        92      A
## 2: Charlie        88      B
## 3:   David        94      A
## 4:     Eva        90      B

Advantages of Chaining

  • Efficiency: Reduces memory overhead by avoiding intermediate copies.

  • Readability: Makes complex operations more readable by structuring them into a single logical flow.

  • Productivity: Speeds up data manipulation tasks by consolidating steps.


  • Write a data.table chain that filters for rows where the Score is greater than 85 and then orders the results by Score in descending order. Assume your data table is named DT.
Click here for the answer
DT[Score > 85][order(-Score)]
This chain first filters rows where Score is greater than 85, then orders these filtered results by Score in descending order.


  • Using chaining, calculate the average Score by Dept for a data.table named DT. Assume DT includes columns for Dept and Score.
Click here for the answer
DT[, .(AvgScore = mean(Score)), by = Dept]
This chain groups the data by Dept and then calculates the average Score for each group, returning a data table with each Dept and its corresponding AvgScore.


  • Create a chain that adds a new column AdjustedScore (which is Score multiplied by 1.05) to DT and then filters for rows where AdjustedScore is greater than 90.
Click here for the answer
DT[, AdjustedScore := Score * 1.05][AdjustedScore > 90]
This chain first adds a new column AdjustedScore by multiplying each Score by 1.05. It then filters the resulting data table for rows where AdjustedScore is greater than 90.